When SQL Server error log is not initialized at a regular interval causing the error log file to grow into a huge file. Viewing that in the SQL Log File Viewer would be a time consuming task.
This article will show how to view the SQL Server error log from a query analyzer in 2000 or query editor in later versions. As an additional benefit this code filters the log file and displays only the past 24 hours (default code).
To view SQL Server error logs in SQL Server 2000
DECLARE @HOURS INT SET @HOURS = 24 CREATE TABLE #ErrorLog (ErrorLog Varchar(1000), ContinuationRow INT) INSERT INTO #ErrorLog EXEC sp_readerrorlog DELETE FROM #ErrorLog WHERE (LEFT(LTRIM(ErrorLog),4) NOT LIKE DATEPART(YYYY,GETDATE()) AND ContinuationRow = 0) OR ContinuationRow = 1 OR LEN(ErrorLog) < 25 OR (CAST(LEFT(LTRIM(ErrorLog),23) AS DATETIME) < CAST(DATEADD(HH,-@HOURS,GETDATE()) AS VARCHAR(23))) SELECT * FROM #ErrorLog DROP TABLE #ErrorLog
To view SQL Server error logs in SQL Server 2005 / 2008 / 2008R2
DECLARE @HOURS INT SET @HOURS = 24 CREATE TABLE #ErrorLog (LogDate DateTime, ProcessInfo Varchar(50), [Text] Varchar(4000)) INSERT INTO #ErrorLog EXEC sp_readerrorlog DELETE FROM #ErrorLog WHERE LogDate < CAST(DATEADD(HH,-@HOURS, GETDATE()) AS VARCHAR(23)) SELECT * FROM #ErrorLog DROP TABLE #ErrorLog
The script can be changed to display only data for the past n # of hours by changing the value of @Hours.
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—Bru Medishetty
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