Added on added on Nov 12th 2011
This page shall guide you how to get started on SQL Server and learn various areas of SQL Server. In order to make it easy to understand for beginners, the terminology used shall be plain and simple. In this section, Learn SQL Server for Beginners, the concepts are taught in a basic level. More advanced concepts will be covered in the forth coming section Learn SQL Server for Mid-level users.
This page is modified / updated continuously until a final shape has been achieved, so please be patient if the section is not complete with respect to some topics..
Chapter 1 will guide you setting up your first SQL Server Instance, also you will learn what is meant by an Edition and Version in SQL Server. By the end of chapter 1 you should be able to have a SQL Server up and running. Read the chapter 1 here
Please feel free to send your feedback and suggestions on what topics you would like to see here and I shall try to incorporate them at the earliest.
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what is the Difference between SQL Server 2008 SQL server 2008R2?
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