I am happy to announce that a new section is added to this site, named Learn SQL Server. In this section I shall try to cover stuff related to beginner level SQL Server DBA and Developer topics and then soon expand it to intermediate level topics. There are lots of ideas to implement through this section that would help those interested in gaining SQL Server knowledge. But it would take a decent amount of time to be dedicated from my end, and I take it as a pleasure to give back and help the technical community that I come from.
The section is started with a page Learn SQL Server for Beginners that tries to answer the beginner SQL Server question “How to Learn SQL Server?”. The section is written, as if the reader has no prior knowledge of SQL Server and we move on how to setup a SQL Server environment and so on.
I hope it would be beneficial to the targeted users. As always, you can give your feedback as an email to me (bru@learnsqlwithbru.com) or by comments.
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— Bru Medishetty