Learn SQL With Bru completes 1 year

I started writing blogs under the name “Learn SQL WIth Bru”, the first blog was published on August 10 2009. Today, Learn SQL With Bru completes 1st year and would like to take this as an opportunity to thank all the visitors and readers to the site.

When I began the blog, I was not aware how many blogs I would be writing or for that matter what SQL Server topics I would be writing on. Today when I review the blog’s content, I am reasonably happy that I wrote 62 blogs in the past year, most of which are technical blogs related to SQL Server. There are several areas in SQL Server that we tried to focus on such as Database Administration, Database Development, SSIS, Performance Tuning, SQL Server Tips etc. There are multiple sections added to the website making it more than a blog site. I started section such as SQL Server Tidbits in which, each day a new point has been published (now discontinued since July 1st 2010) and there is an Interview Q and A section, SQL Server Forum to post and seek answers to technical questions related to SQL Server and the recent addition of Learn SQL Server Section which tries to teach SQL Server for a beginner / intermediate level reader.

I would once again thank all the readers of this site for coming back and reading. Finally I hope not to disappoint anyone in the year to come by writing more technical blogs that would enable readers to apply it at their work or enhanve their understanding of SQL Server.

Do you like this site? Like our FB page @ Facebook.com\LearnSQLWithBru so that, you know when there is a new blog post.

— Bru Medishetty

Publishing 50th Blog on LearnSQLWithBru

This blog is the 50th blog on LearnSQLWithBru. I am surprised to see that I was able to write 50 blogs in such a short time. I feel the blogs that I publish are informative and easily understandable. I have received lot of feedback from many readers and I implemented few of them such as a Calendar list of Blogs, Tag cloud and ability to post comments. In order to achieve these, I moved to WordPress to publish blogs. I would like to continue blogging with more SQL Server related articles and welcome all kinds of feedback to enhance the site. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all those users who have been visiting and closely following the blogs.

–Bru Medishetty

Meeting Pete Sampras is a dream come true !

Last weekend I traveled to Atlantic City, NJ to watch Pete Sampras playing an exhibition match. I was very much excited and was looking forward to watch Pete live for the first time in my life. Never before had I watched a Tennis match featuring Pete Sampras live in a Stadium, I was very happy that my dream of watching the Great Champion is going to be a reality.

The match was on Saturday evening and was eagerly waiting for that occasion. I had no idea that Pete was making an appearance for fans at 12:30 noon that day at the tennis village. I was passing by the tennis village and saw on display that Pete was there between 12:30 and 1:00 PM. Thinking that I missed a once in a life time opportunity to meet Pete, I was going  to shopping center and in the middle of nowhere I saw Pete Sampras coming in the opposite direction. I could not believe my luck and without wasting a moment went to him greeted and spoke for a couple of minutes, took his autograph on his autobiography – A Champion’s Mind (Picture 3rd in this blog). It has been my dream for nearly 20 years to meet Pistol Pete and finally that became true on that afternoon of April 10th 2010 at 1:26 PM.

You can see how much excited I was when I met him in this picture.

That was Pete talking to me.

Pete’s Autobiography A Champion’s Mind signed by him on that day.

One more souvenir from Atlantic City, this one too signed by Pete when I met him in person.

Later that evening, I watched all the matches and enjoyed every moment of it. I recorded few minutes of the match between Sampras and Safin watch it below.

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Had it not been my brother, who informed me that Pete Sampras is visiting Atlantic City, NJ and arranged my trip, I would have missed the opportunity of meeting my favorite Tennis Star.

–Bru Medishetty