Happy New Year and looking forward to 2012

I wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2012. I hope everyone had a great New Year celebrations. As with every new year, let us hope this year shall bring more happiness and prosperity to all.

I am going to list some of my goals to achieve in the year 2012 both professional and personal.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I start writing my goals is my blog post that I wrote on Jan 1st 2012 (about goals in 2010). If I look at those goals mentioned in that blog, I have to say, I did not achieve many of those goals, so this question comes to mind, Is it good to list my goals and fall short once again? I am sure it is easy to aim low and achieve it but if you aim low, you will not look higher. So I decided I shall aim for a bit higher, get motivated and achieve as much as I can.. 

Here is the list (first professional and finally personal)

  1. Write more content on my blog (at least 150 blog posts).
  2. Continue writing SQL Server Tidbits throughout the year.
  3. Finish at least 6 chapters in Learn SQL Server for Beginners Sections.
  4. Improve the content in Interview Questions and Answers Section.
  5. Participate in SQL Server Forums (at least 365 forum posts).
  6. Put every effort to make this happen, Pass Chapter in/around Harrisburg, PA.
  7. Attend PASS Summit in Seattle in November 2012.
  8. Record SQL Server Videos and publish them.
  9. Take at least 1 certification exam.
  10. Tweet more often.
  11. Do more charity.
  12. Be an improved Tennis Player.

At the end of the year 2012, I shall review how many of these goals were achieved and how well I fared on a scale of 10 for each of these goals. 

— Bru Medishetty