This page is for all the SQL Server users who would like to enhance their Interview knowledge and for those who are preparing for a SQL Server DBA or SQL Developer or BI Developer Interview in the near future. The idea behind this page is not to encourage you to cram these interview question and get a SQL Server job the easiest possible way, rather to answer all those readers who have been requesting me to list SQL Server Interview Questions to assist their preparation for the interview and know what to expect in such Interviews.
From time to time, new content is added, the following stats show this…
- 33 New DBA Question and Answers are added since December 2011
- 3 New DEV Question and Answers are added since December 2011
- 8 New BI Question and Answers are added since December 2011
Finally, I would recommend you to go through SQL Server TIDBITS section also, as they cover parts of an answer.
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SQL Server DBA Interview Questions and Answers
SQL Server Developer Interview Questions and Answers
SQL Server Business Intelligence Dev & DBA Interview Questions and Answers
I am totally new in Sql server. I know sql server but I dont have any experience, so I dont know real time job as developer/DBA.
I am looking for question answer with example and what kind of project u can do as developer/DBA.
I want to know actual work as developer/DBA, so I can make some project example in my interview.
Hi Siddh2977,
Thanks for your feedback and suggestion. I shall definitely update more questions (technical) that are asked in SQL Server Developer Interviews in the next few days..
As you have mentioned, that you have not worked on SQL Server before, to gain experience on SQL Server, I would recommend you to start a demo project on your own. Take an example organization (that your friends work at) and think in terms of a Sales project that company might do. Start building a demo database and populate with tables and data (that you can imagine) and it will lead you up for a good demo database that you can start working on….
Hi Bru Medishetty,
I am Bhavani. I have learnt SQL DBA course recently. Is it possible for a fresher to do a job as an experienced candidate does in an organization ? can a fresher be able to do all the work as a 3+ experienced candidate does ? Please reply me soon.
Hi Bhavani,
I think this is very simple to answer. The answer is no, how can a fresher perform the same job as a 3+ year experienced DBA? There are a lot of things that are learnt by a DBA through experience than just by studying the subject….
However there are certain tasks/duties that a fresher can perform as a 3 + year experienced DBA, tasks such as Creating simple to decent sized databases, troubleshooting some SQL Server errors, create and maintain users and permissions etc etc…
I hope this helps…
Thank u Bru and i wanna ask you one more question..
I am very interested to do a job on SQL DBA as a fresher but most of the companies are not preferring SQL DBA fresher candidates. How can a candidate get experience when no one gives an opportunity ?? Please tell me the way to get a job on SQL DBA as a fresher. I will be waiting for your valuable suggestion..Please reply me soon..
I understand the point you are making. I would suggest choosing a job (like a systems engineer, network engineer) that has SQL DBA responsibilities in addition to the main responsibilities and then gradually master the concepts of being a skilled DBA and move to be a full time DBA..
wait for an opportunity to start as a Junior DBA and go up the levels…
. How to view the error log for any specific instance?
Hi Bru,
i am pratap and am fresher .I got work on SQL SERVER ,but I dont know what is my future .Where to I go,what are the positions are there in data base.I am in confusion mode .Pls help me
Hi Pratap, I am not sure what is your concern (regarding future).. What is the position you are working? What is the duration you would currently in the same job/position, if it is a short term, then keep working on your skills and looking for positions..
If you have further questions, email me to
Bru Medishetty